Facebook Business Statistics 2014

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Here’s just a few crazy mind blowing stats to wet your appetite?


Facebook Business Statistics 2014

Here’s a few crazy mind blowing stats to wet your appetite…

1.19 Billion monthly active users and growing and 874 billion active Facebook mobile products used. There are 727 million daily users on Facebook today. People spend on average 20 minutes each time they login to Facebook in the work place and at home. The average user spend 8.3 hours per month on Facebook each month. 23 % of users check there pages 5 x per day and 62% of all Facebook account holders where active in the last month alone.

So Do You Think Now You Should Be Ignoring Advertising On Facebook? 

Facebook has nearly 50% of all the worlds active internet users today and growing its market share. Now there over 80 million business pages being used daily. Most of your TV advertising businesses today will have Facebook symbol to find them once the advert has finished.

Smilecom is now starting to advertise on Facebook if you would like some help placing your first advertisement on Facebook for small business working from home or small office get in contact with Adrian at the office.







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